简介: The least-seen of Mackendrick’s Ealing pictures, The Maggie tells an unusual story of a culture clash between the Old and New Worlds. Its title is t
简介: Four young men leave boyhood behind and shed more than just their clothes and inhibitions in Writer/Director Daniel Armando’s new film. Shy Manuel a
简介: A comedy about two brothers, uptight Ed and playboy Cooper. Ed has a weekend to save his career, but Cooper has other plans for the weekend; to help
简介: 妻子突然离世的消息让弗兰克(丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)陷入了悲伤的情绪中无法自拔,可现实容不得他的沉沦,因为妻子带走了他的幸福和快乐,留下的却是八个古灵精怪的孩子。为了照顾这些孩子,弗兰克可谓绞尽了脑汁,事已至此他才发现,想要驯服一个孩子,可远比在军队中对自己的下属发号施令要复