简介: Following the murder of her family at the hands of her father in the wake of World War I, a young woman is sent to live in a convent. However, her d
简介: A rookie police officer willingly takes the last shift at a newly decommissioned police station in an attempt to uncover the mysterious connection b
简介: 身材姣好的年轻女性莎拉·沃克(艾丽克斯·埃索 Alex Essoe 饰)目前正在某个快餐店打工,她始终怀有演员的梦想,但是多次试镜均告失败,令她心中满是失落与挫败感。某天,她漫不经心地向《悦耳的尖叫声》剧组提交了试镜申请,不曾想她的申请竟然通过了,这令莎拉喜出望外。最初的试镜不甚理想,可是莎拉在
简介: 迷幻公园是这个城市滑板少年的聚集之地,当然,这里也是犯罪的多发地带。少年阿历克斯(盖博•纳文斯 Gabe Nevins 饰)迷恋上了这个公园,每天他都要到这里来,虽然他玩滑板不是很在行,但是能静静的坐在边上,欣赏场内各个高手各种各样的滑板花招,他已经感到十分快乐。然而,那天发生的一次事件却令到阿
简介: A young woman enlists in an underground game of pain endurance in the hope of winning the million dollar prize. She soon learns the real opponent is
简介: A hardened criminal fresh out of the joint takes a job as a handyman in a dilapidated house; but the twisted horrors he finds inside are enough to s