简介: It was the age of Da Vinci and Michelangelo, of enlightened creativity and unparalleled intellectual achievement. But it was also the age of Machiev
简介: This daring, exciting story from northern Sri Lanka convincingly captures the madness in a land where the psychology of war is omnipresent. Three pa
简介: 事业有成的律师马特(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney饰)的妻子因为一次意外变成了植物人。最近医生告诉他,妻子大限将至,令他倍受打击。同时,他作为夏威夷某岛的继承人还在与信托基金谈开发事宜。忙乱之中,两个女儿也不让马特省心:小女孩斯科蒂(阿玛拉·米勒 Amara Mil ler 饰)经常